Breech Pregnancy Correction with Chiropractic Confirmed on Ultrasound – Case Study

A research article published on February 2, 2010 in the scientific periodical, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health, documented the case study of a pregnant woman whose breech pregnancy was corrected with chiropractic care. This case study involved a 35 year old woman who was pregnant with her third child. She had recently been to her OBGYN for an ultrasound, which showed the male fetus to be in a breech position.

The woman, now in her 31st week of pregnancy, had also been experiencing pain in her pelvis just 2 weeks earlier. Because of this pain she was forced to discontinue her daily exercise regimen which included running three miles per day. She described the pain as more of a pressure in her pelvis as opposed to a pain. In addition, the woman reported that she had gained more weight with this pregnancy than with either of her two previous pregnancies and she was experiencing heartburn and acid reflux.

The woman went for a chiropractic examination after having done some research on the Internet where she found some information about breech pregnancies being helped with specific forms of chiropractic care. Her examination showed some postural irregularities indicating some spinal involvement. In addition, bilateral surface temperature measurements and surface EMG tests also showed asymmetry indicating spinal involvement.

Based upon the chiropractic examination findings care was initiated using the “Webster Technique”, a specific chiropractic technique used in breech pregnancy when certain examination findings are present. The case study noted that the Webster Technique has been shown to have high rates of success, based on a previous survey of 112 chiropractic practitioners who utilized the Webster Technique in their offices. In that survey study 92% of the cases had resolution of breech presentation, and of this 88% resulted in unassisted vaginal births.

In this case, the woman received seven Webster Technique adjustments over the course of a three week period. An ultrasound was performed by the patient’s obstetrician after the patient’s fifth adjustment, showing that the fetus had successfully moved into a normal vertex position. The patient gave birth to the 7 pound 12 ounce boy vaginally after an uncomplicated 12 hour labor five days earlier than the baby’s projected due date and approximately one month after the mother had started chiropractic care.

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