Colic, Constipation and Sleep Disturbance Helped in an Infant With Chiropractic

Published on January 1, 2010 comes a case study in the scientific journal, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health that documents the case of a two week old male infant who was helped with chiropractic, after suffering with a number of abdominal problems, along with an inability to sleep properly.

In this case the infant was brought to the chiropractor by the mother who was under care during her pregnancy. The two week old boy was in distress and suffering from excessive crying, abdominal distension, constipation, and gas. He was unable to sleep properly and was clinching his fists in obvious pain. The mother reported that her infant son was unable to have a bowel movement or belch. He was unable to sleep during the day and was only sleeping sporadically at night.

Because of their child’s inability to sleep properly the parents were also being sleep deprived. The mother’s general practitioner even went so far as to recommend anti-depressants and tranquilizers, however; she tried an over the counter sleep aid instead.

The chiropractic examination showed a crying infant in apparent distress with areas of muscle spasm, tight ligaments and multiple vertebral misalignments in his spine. Chiropractic care was initiated using specific techniques designed to correct the vertebral subluxations found in this infant.

The results on this infant were immediate. During the adjustment the child belched, and immediately following the adjustment the child had a bowel movement before he even had a chance to leave the office. Within five adjustments his mother reported that her son’s bowel movements had started to become more regular, and he was belching better after meals. The mother noted that in the initial part of care, if she had missed a visit that the child’s distress would return, but would be corrected upon her son’s next visit.

This case study reported that after 16 adjustments, his mother noted significant and longer lasting abatement of his symptoms and crying. His colicky behavior and constipation had resolved. His bowel movements had returned to normal and he only cried when he was either hungry or sleepy.

The study author wrote in his conclusion, “Resolution of all presenting symptomology was noted following the introduction of chiropractic care concomitant with a reduction in vertebral subluxation.”

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