Erectile Dysfunction and Chronic Low Back Pain Helped with Chiropractic

Published on December 5, 2016, in the journal Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research is a case study of a man who was suffering from lower back pain and erectile dysfunction being helped by chiropractic.

According to the study authors, erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as a man’s inability to attain or sustain an erection satisfactory for sexual intercourse. They report that there are two classifications of ED, primary and secondary. Primary ED is a man who has never been able to have an erection, while secondary is the case where a man used to be able to have an erection but is currently unable to.

According to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health website, “About 5 percent of men that are 40 years old have complete erectile dysfunction, and that number increases to about 15 percent of men at age 70. Mild and moderate erectile dysfunction affects approximately 10 percent of men per decade of life (i.e., 50 percent of men in their 50s, 60 percent of men in their 60s).”

In this case, a 47-year-old man went to the chiropractor on three separate occasions for the complaints of lower back problems and neck pain. At those times, he did not report that he had also been suffering from ED since the age of 22 years. He did have a history of spinal trauma at the ages of 16 and 20 years.

An examination performed on this first set of visits to this chiropractor yielded the conclusion that subluxations were present in the man’s spine. Care was given in the form of specific adjustments and the man reported a significant recovery. He thereafter decided not to continue with chiropractic wellness and he discontinue his care.

Several years later, the man returned to the chiropractor again suffering from lower back pain. Once again care was given and the man experienced a significant recovery. This time he was able to resume sports and activities fairly quickly which led to him suffering a neck injury several months later.

Although the man did not share his history of having ED with the chiropractor initially, upon returning for chiropractic care related to his neck injury, the man noticed the correlation between the correction of his ED and the time he was under chiropractic care. Because of this connection, the man continued his chiropractic on a wellness basis and was able to report to the chiropractor that his ED was effectively eliminated while under chiropractic care.

The man commented about his ED improvement by saying, “For a short time after receiving an adjustment it is much easier and highly more likely that (he) will attain and maintain a strong erection.” When asked by the doctor if he will be maintaining his chiropractic care since he has made the connection between that and the improvement in his ED, he commented, “Of course!”

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