Hypothyroidism Improved Under Chiropractic Care – A Case Study

The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published a case study on December 10, 2015, documenting chiropractic helping a patient suffering hypothyroidism. WebMD describe this condition by saying, “Hypothyroidism, also called underactive thyroid disease, is a common disorder. With hypothyroidism, your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone.”

The study notes that hypothyroidism is the number one endocrinological condition seen world-wide. People with hypothyroidism can typically experience joint pain, cold intolerance, constipation, depression, difficulty concentrating, dry skin, fatigue, hair thinning, hair loss, memory impairment, muscle pain, weakness and weight gain. Medical treatment of this condition is typically medications given to replace the hormone not being produced by the thyroid.

This case involved a 44-year-old woman who went to the chiropractor for primary complaints of pain in the upper back and between the shoulders. These problems seemed to be the result of an automobile accident she was involved in 23 years prior. The accident was a severe head-on collision which resulted in loss of consciousness and some amnesia. She was taking a thyroid medication for her thyroid problem.

A chiropractic examination was performed that included postural inspection, palpation, surface EMG, thermography, and spinal x-rays. The results of the examination showed a loss of the normal neck curvature and the presence of subluxations. Specific chiropractic adjustments were started at the rate of three visits per week for a month after which the frequency of visits was reduced.

After one month of care, the patient came into the chiropractor’s office with her teeth chattering, her hands shaking, and the signs of tremors. The chiropractor suggested that the woman return to her endocrinologist to be retested for her thyroid issue. The results of that testing showed that her thyroid had regained enough function that the endocrinologist recommended a reduction in the woman’s medication.

At the six month point of her care, the patient showed significant functional and structural improvements, and her neck curvature returned to a near normal forward curvature. In their conclusion, the authors reported that chiropractic, “…treatment regimen is shown to be effective in reducing vertebral subluxation as well as improve cervical curve in a 44-year-old patient with hypothyroidism. The reduction in signs and symptoms of VSC (vertebral subluxation complex), in this case, correlated to a reduction in hypothyroid symptoms and an overall increase in thyroid function.”

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