Improved Behavior in Children with Colic After Chiropractic Care

Something that is not common knowledge is that children who suffer from colic at an early age in many cases will have certain behavioral problems as they grow older that include temper tantrums and night waking. A recent study published in the October 2009 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT) looked to see if chiropractic care, rendered early in life for children with colic, had any effect on the additional problems later in these children’s lives.

This study looked at two groups of children, all of whom had suffered with colic as infants. One group received chiropractic care specifically related to their colic while the second group did not receive any chiropractic care. The authors of this study noted that there have been several previous studies showing the positive effect of chiropractic on children with colic. The focus of this study was not the effect of chiropractic care on colic, but rather to see if the chiropractic care rendered to these children early in life when they had colic, continued to have a positive effect in preventing some of the additional problems that show up in most children who previously suffered from colic.

In this study, clinic records from a chiropractic clinic and from a child care center in similar regions of England were compared for the care of infants who had suffered from colic. A survey of parents was done of 117 post-colicky toddlers who had received chiropractic, and compared to a group of 111 toddlers who did not receive any chiropractic.

The results showed that toddlers who received chiropractic care for colic as an infant were twice as likely to not experience the additional problems commonly seen years after colic. In their conclusion the authors said, “Untreated post-colicky infants demonstrated negative behavioral patterns at 2 to 3 years of age. In this study, parents of infants treated with chiropractic care for excessive crying did not report as many difficult behavioral and sleep patterns of their toddlers. These findings suggest that chiropractic care for infants with colic may have an effect on long-term sequelae (problems associated with colic).

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