Resolution of Hypertension Following Chiropractic Care

In the November 12, 2015, issue of the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research is a case report and literature review of chiropractic care for hypertension. The researchers note that hypertension is related to 9 million deaths world-wide each year.

The study authors report that diet and exercise are the primary focus for reduction of high blood pressure, but often the patient does not create enough change to reduce their hypertension, and medications become the norm of medical treatment. Chiropractic, on the other hand, is not usually viewed as care for hypertension. However, the study authors have noted that chiropractic has gained much interest for patients with organic type problems such as hypertension.

This case involves a 72-year-old man who went to a chiropractor in Auckland, New Zealand, for his high blood pressure. He was concerned as his condition was preventing him from properly exercising over the past 3 years. His medical doctor had prescribed medication that he had been taking for the past year. The result of the medication was a modest drop in blood pressure from 174/94 to 150/90.

The man’s history included a previous car accident, a fall from a tree, trauma to his shoulder two years earlier, and a 20 year history of being involved with judo. He had also suffered emotional trauma from the recent death of his wife.

A chiropractic examination was performed which included a baseline blood pressure check, thermal scans of his spine, and a Surface Emg test. From the tests, it was determined that subluxations were present and chiropractic care was started.

As care progressed both the thermal scans and the Surface Emg scans began to balance and look more normal. This coincided with an improvement in his blood pressure that reduced down to 132/80 in a little more than 6 months time.

In their review of literature and studies on chiropractic and hypertension, the authors noted that a growing body of evidence points toward chiropractic care being effective for patients with hypertension. In their conclusion they wrote, “This case report describes the successful chiropractic care of a patient with vertebral subluxations concomitant with improvements in medically diagnosed hypertension and decreased medication.”

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