Scoliosis is traditionally a congenital (you’re born with it) condition which affects the proper alignment of the spine. Traditionally, it is treated at a younger age (usually around the ages of 12-15) due to the growth spurt which is associated with puberty. Scoliosis can be treated with a brace which compresses the mid back, or or in more extreme cases, surgery is necessary with the insertion of metal rods into affected areas of the spine.

In cases where the spine curves out, there can potentially be issues with the nerves where the scoliosis is located. This can cause compression of the nerves exiting the spine, and can cause issues with the connection of the nerve to the surrounding organs or to the organs themselves. From a structural standpoint, scoliosis must be treated before the bones of the spine harden. Over time this might cause accelerated degeneration of the spine, especially in areas that are furthest from the midline of the body.

Conditions of Scoliosis

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Stiffness and Soreness
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Accelerated degeneration of the spine
  • Indigestion
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Misalignment of the spine and pelvis

Types of Scoliosis

Functional Scoliosis is a type of Scoliosis which shows a slight curve of the spine either to the left or right of the midline of the body. This can be found in one or multiple areas of the spine itself. While the curve of the spine isn’t “perfect,” per se, it should not limit the human body from functioning properly, hence the name. Nonetheless, there still might be some issues with tightness or achiness of the spine due to the uneven distribution of stress.

Structural Scoliosis is a more severe type of Scoliosis which is due to a more significant and “dramatic” curve of the spine. This curve can put excessive pressure on the nerves exiting the spine at that level and/or the muscles, ligaments, or organs which are connected to that nerve area. This type of Scoliosis usually needs some sort or bracing, and in extreme cases, surgical intervention.

Both conditions are seen at Charge into Health Chiropractic and are treated from a holistic standpoint. The goal is to keep segments of the spine affected by Scoliosis moving so that pressure is removed on the areas and to prevent accelerated degeneration.

How Chiropractic helps people with Scoliosis?

At Charge into Health Family Chiropractic, we not only look at the symptoms associated with Scoliosis, but the cause of it. Scoliosis is usually not limited to one area, and can affect other areas of your entire body. There are a variety of factors which might contribute to areas associated with Scoliosis, so it is important to provide an accurate diagnosis.

During this examination process, I will perform a variety of exams which include, but are not limited to: orthopedic, neurological, and muscle tests to find the cause of the problem. Once I have all of this information, you will be adjusted the same day. If I cannot adjust you, then you will be referred for X-Rays to see what is going on with the joints of your Lower, Upper and Mid Back.

From here, I will create a personalized plan to aid in your natural recovery without the need for drugs or surgery. The treatment will include spinal adjustments, muscle work, at home exercises, Kinesio taping,”Mirror Imaging” exercises, and lifestyle recommendations.

I will also be looking at any other factors which might have led to the injury and will help you make the modifications necessary to quicken your recovery and prevent further issues!