Urinary Incontinence Resolved with Chiropractic

The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health released the results of a study on May 21, 2018, documenting the case of a pregnant woman who was unable to control her bladder being helped by chiropractic.

Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined by most authorities as a leakage of urine. The Mayo Clinic internal medicine concise textbook lists four types of UI. They are: urge incontinence – due to an overactive bladder, stress incontinence – due to poor closure of the bladder, overflow incontinence – due to either poor bladder contraction or blockage of the urethra, and functional incontinence – due to medications or health problems making it difficult to reach the bathroom.

UI is a common complaint among women after pregnancy and delivery. Some sources estimate rates as high as 31% among women who delivered vaginally. According to the Urology Care Foundation, somewhere between one-quarter and one-third of adults suffer with some form of UI. Pregnancy in women, prostate problems in men, and aging in the general population seem to be related to an increase in incidence of UI.

In this case, a woman presented herself for chiropractic care. The woman was in her second trimester of her second pregnancy. She was suffering with urinary incontinence and low back pain, as well as generalized diffuse body pain. The woman reported that the UI first started immediately after the traumatic delivery of her first child. She had suffered with UI since that point for the past three years. She noted that a cough or sneeze would result in urinary leakage.

A chiropractic examination was performed involving a static and motion observation of posture as well as palpation of her spine and supporting structures. The presence of vertebral subluxations was confirmed and chiropractic care was started at the rate of two visits per week. Additionally, the woman was given some home exercises to perform daily.

On the fourth visit to the chiropractor’s office, the woman reported that she had sneezed one time, but had not had any urinary leakage as a result. By the sixth visit, the woman was able to report that she was no longer having any signs of UI and her problems have been resolved.

In the conclusion of this case study the author wrote, “This case demonstrates the effectiveness of chiropractic care in addressing pelvic floor dysfunction resulting in urinary incontinence and the safety of this care during pregnancy.”

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