Vaccinations Linked to Autism in Two New Studies

A direct link between certain vaccinations and autism was shown and discussed in two published studies. The first of these studies is a scientific article published on August 27, 2014, in the journal Translational Neurodegeneration, that exposed a link between Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination and autism in African American boys. The study is titled; “Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination timing and autism among young African American boys: a reanalysis of CDC data.”

This study suggests that the data showing the link between MMR and autism was available for a number of years but was evidently covered up by the CDC and influences in the vaccine community. The results of this study state, “When comparing cases and controls receiving their first MMR vaccine before and after 36 months of age, there was a statistically significant increase in autism cases specifically among African American males who received the first MMR prior to 36 months of age.”

Not long after this first study was released, many pro-vaccination forces voiced their concerns. After what must have been intense pressure, the CDC study was retracted from the journal and suggestions were made that the author, a senior researcher for decades at the CDC, had a conflict of interest and his research was flawed.

The second study linking vaccinations to autism centered around the chicken pox, Hepatitis-A and MMR vaccines. Published in the September 2014 issue of the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology (JPHE) is a study that reveals a clear correlation between autism disorder (AD) and MMR, Varicella (chickenpox) and Hepatitis-A vaccines.

The results of the JPHE study state, “When comparing cases and controls receiving their first MMR vaccine before and after 36 months of age, there was a statistically significant increase in autism cases specifically among African American males who received the first MMR prior to 36 months of age.”

Lead author and scientist for the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, Dr. Theresa Deisher, pointed out that many of these vaccines are made using cells from aborted babies. This type of vaccine creates additional health issues. She stated, “Not only are the human fetal contaminated vaccines associated with autistic disorder throughout the world, but also with epidemic childhood leukemia and lymphomas.”

“What we have found is that across continents, and across decades, change points in autism disorder are clearly associated with the introduction of vaccines produced using human fetal cell lines,” Deisher said. “Each time we inject our children with one of these vaccines, we are also injecting them with residual fetal human DNA.”

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