Vertigo is a type of dizzying feeling which feels like you or the room is spinning. This dizziness can cause nausea and affect your balance. The most common reason for this is due to problems of the inner ear and position of the head. In more serious cases issues of the brain can be the root cause.

How does Vertigo present?

There are a variety of reasons which can cause Vertigo to persist, but the most common reason is due to certain head movements. It is common for small particles (known as canalith crystals) to be present in the inner ear’s canals. When these get displaced, they can interfere with the flow of fluid to the ear canals, which is responsible for maintaining balance of the head’s position (also known as the “equilibrium”).

Other cases of Vertigo include infections of the inner ear, known as Labyrinthitis, which are caused by a virus like the flu or a cold. Additionally, a rare inner ear condition known as Meniere’s disease affects not only the inner ear, but hearing loss. This is not treated at Charge into Health Family Chiropractic.

Common causes of Vertigo include:

  • Small particles or “calcium crystal” which are present in the inner ear
  • Migraines
  • Certain reactions to medications, such as anti-inflammatories and antibiotics
  • Head injuries or concussions
  • Pressure on the nerves of the inner ear due to a noncancerous tumor
  • The leakage of inner ear fluid to the middle ear, known as a Perilymphatic fistula
  • Panting/hyperventilation
  • Low blood pressure, felt especially when standing up
  • Muscle weakness, also known as ataxia

What is the most common cause of Vertigo?

Once we have ruled out any underlying disease or problem via diagnosis at Charge into Health Family Chiropractic or through an Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat (EENT) specialist, we can take a holistic approach in dealing with Vertigo. This will involve a technique called the “Epley’s Maneuver,” which will determine where the Vertigo is present. Epley’s Maneuver will reposition the head and ears so that the fluid of your inner ear is not disrupted by a crystal which blocks the flow.

The process involves a complimentary consultation which will allow me to determine if I am in fact the appropriate type of care to help you with your condition. If I am not, then I will be sure to refer you to the right specialist. If I feel that I can help you, you will move on to a paid examination and potential first visit.

During this examination process, we will perform a variety of exams which include, but are not limited to: orthopedic, neurological, and muscle tests to find the cause of the problem. Once we have all of this information, you will be adjusted the same day. If we cannot adjust you, then you will be referred to an EENT (Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat) specialist to determine if there are any pathological or neurological issues present.

From here, we will create a personalized plan to aid in your natural recovery without the need for drugs or surgery. The treatment will include spinal adjustments, muscle work, repositioning of the head using the Epley’s Maneuver, at-home exercises, and diet recommendations.

We will also be looking at any potential stressors and ergonomic adjustments for your work and home offices to provide you a well rounded and high quality treatment!